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3D LED Entertainment Floor

Business Plan Introduction

RENO VR is a digital entertainment company that specializes in immersive experiences. We are introducing our 3D LED Entertainment Floor, offering customers a groundbreaking interactive experience.

Product/Service Nature and Features

The 3D LED Entertainment Floor is an interactive gaming platform where players must navigate a constantly changing 3D grid. This game provides thrilling entertainment and fosters strategic thinking and team collaboration skills.

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Target Customers

The 3D LED Entertainment Floor is all-age inclusive, suitable for participants ranging from children to the elderly, making it an ideal fit for any event space. 

 Track Record: We have recently been invited and selected as one of the paid exhibitors of Cyberport’s Digital Entertainment Leadership Forum,

Future business development direction and growth potential

Integrating the 3D LED Entertainment Floor can provide numerous benefits, including attracting customers. This innovative platform can increase foot traffic and commercial value of the event space.

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Product/Service Plan


Primary products or services

The primary product is the 3D LED Entertainment Floor with customised size, an interactive gaming platform that immerses players in a vibrant digital environment. 


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Market positioning and pricing strategies

The 3D LED Entertainment Floor is positioned as a premium, innovative entertainment experience that offers unique value to customers.

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Features and innovative aspects

This unique experience blurs the boundaries between the physical and virtual worlds, providing thrilling entertainment while also developing critical skills like  team collaboration.

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Integrating the 3D LED Entertainment Floor into client’s space spaces

Attract Customers:

This game experience can significantly increase foot traffic and exposure for the stores.


Enhance Experience:

The creative interactive entertainment can elevate customer experience and build brand loyalty.



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The 3D LED Entertainment Floor is a unique selling point that can help event space stand out in the market.

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